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Why this workshop?

The world is full of conflict and crises are piling up. The conflicts are not just external to us. Conflict starts within. To effect true change, we must move beyond the ordinary way of addressing problems . The first step is to know ourselves so that we can understand why we are in conflict. In this course, you will learn how to access the heart to know yourself. Why the heart? One reason is the heart is more honest than the mind so progress can be much faster and the work go much deeper. 

Join us to learn:

▪       What the heart is in Ren Xue and the key role it plays in a human life.
▪       Tong Yuan, a method for knowing the heart and cultivating the innate qualities of the heart.
▪       A new way of navigating internal and external conflicts.


Support after the workshop:

As part of the course, we are offering 8 practice sessions of Tong Yuan after the workshop ends. These sessions will support the key foundational work on the heart, In each one-hour practice session, we will offer brief additional teachings to help the information go deeper. Workshop participants can also join 8 practice sessions of the first two methods of Yuan Gong. If you don’t yet know the first two methods, Sabine G. is offering a workshop two weeks after the Tong Yuan workshop so you can join the practice sessions. 


We will continue to build:

In early 2025, we will be offering a workshop on the 8th method of Yuan Gong, the method for changing patterns of the consciousness. One aspect of our course design is to support the ongoing process for uplifting life. The other is to build a community of practitioners dedicated to knowing themselves and helping one another uplift life. We hope you join us in this joint effort.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us for additional information. 

Workshop details

Date & Time: Saturday, October 12th, 9:00am - 3:00pm Pacific Time

Cost: USD $85. Euros $85. CDN $85. Pesos $790.      

[Please note, you are paying the cost of the workshop in your home currency. For example, if you live in the US, pay $85 USD. If you live in Canada, pay $85 CDN. If you live in Mexico, you pay $790 pesos, etc.]

If cost will prohibit you from attending, please contact either Marsha  <> or Sabine G <>. We want everyone to be able to attend. 

Registration: Send us an email letting us know you’d like to attend. Once we receive your email, within 3 business days we’ll send you information on how to register for the workshop. If you don’t hear from us within 3 business days, check your spam folder and if you haven’t heard from us, please email us directly.

Practice details

Optional practices for those who attend the Tong Yuan Workshop. 

Tong Yuan Practices / Date & Time: Mondays from 7:00 - 8:00 pm Pacific Time, October 14, 21, 28, November 4, 25, December 2, 9, 16.

Tian Yuan & Di Yuan Practice / Date & Time: Thursdays from 7:00 - 8:00 am Pacific Time, October 17, 24, 31, November 7, 28, December 5, 12, 19.